Sevenoaks Area Youth Trust, 39 Dartford Road, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN13 3TE
0776 336 4185

SAYT Privacy Statement

Sevenoaks Area Youth Trust

We only gather and process data we believe is genuinely required for efficient, cost effective and safe running of the charity; to improve our services and support to beneficiaries, and to meet our duty of care [including safeguarding, protection from harm, health & safety and crime prevention & detection] to all our beneficiaries including previous beneficiaries, staff, volunteers, trustees and supporters.

Notwithstanding our legal obligations under the Data Protection Act, ICO guidance and General Data Protection Regulation [GDPR – from 25 May 2018]; we respect the right to privacy and confidentiality of all our beneficiaries, employees, volunteers, supporters, donors and trustees.

We NEVER sell or share beneficiary / donor / supporter data with other organisations unless expressly requested by the data subject.  Where permitted by law and good employment practice, we respect the request of any individual who wishes their support to remain anonymous or who wishes us to remove their personal data from our records.

We will share specific data confidentially, on a strictly need to know basis, with statutory bodies such as Social Services, Police, Education, Housing and NHS where required to meet our Safeguarding Policy and our legal duty to cooperate in keeping children, young people and vulnerable adults safe from harm.  We will cooperate with Police, HMRC or others to prevent and detect fraud or other criminal activity.  We will share specific donor data confidentially with HMRC purely for the purpose of reclaiming gift aid and maintaining audit records.  We will share specific staff and volunteer data confidentially with bodies involved in providing references, DBS disclosures or any aspect of safer recruiting or safeguarding.  

In all other circumstances, we would usually only disclose personal data if required by a court order.  

Where we believe data might be relevant to a future safeguarding enquiry we reserve the right to retain data securely for up to 50 years to comply with our insurance and safeguarding guidance.

Approved by the board

May 2018